Want to boost your farm productivity? Mechanising agricultural activity can be very helpful in achieving such a goal. If traditional farming methods produce highly-nutritious crops, modern farming benefits you by creating higher income. Moreover, we see tremendous daily growth and innovations in the farming industry. But, the first farming tool (thresher) was introduced in 1791, and its functionality was not practical until the 1820s. After that era, new agriculture machines came to the market. Therefore, loads of agriculture machines are available to help us reach the aim of cost-effective production. However, this blog will cover the necessary agriculture equipment list and their role in farming activities.
Top 10 agriculture equipment in India
- Tractor
- Plough
- Cultivator
- Rotavator
- Trailer
- Baler
- Seed Drill
- Sprayer
- Power Tiller
- Harvester
Popular Farm Machinery And Equipment With Importance:
1. Tractor
No wonder a tractor comes on top of this list, as a modern farmer cannot imagine his field without a tractor. It is a vital farm machinery, and mostly all the other agriculture machines are powered by Tractors. Furthermore, a vast lineup of tractors is available, but a smart farmer will choose the one that fulfils his farm’s needs. Also, different crops need different HP tractors, depending on implements and field dimensions. In addition, tractors save a lot of time and labour, resulting in higher yields. Thus, tractors are effective machines used in agriculture in India to boost crop production.
2. Plough
Ploughs are also crucial modern agriculture machines used for primary tillage. Their function is to dig up the soil for better soil fertility and bring out the nutrients trapped inside the deep layers of land. Also, a plough helps eliminate unwanted plants, which are harmful to the soil and crops. Farmers can now choose various tractor ploughs according to their needs. But in ancient times, farmers used cattle for tilling tasks. And it was not a very efficient way of farming as it was time-consuming. So, tractor-drawn ploughs came for large field operations while saving time and costs.
3. Cultivator
Cultivators are secondary tillage machines which stir the soil, and this agriculture machine has great significance in land preparation. Apart from this, cultivators can bury previously grown crops, remove weeds and effectively aerate the soil in a single operation. Hence, a modern farmer knows the Importance of Cultivator due to their cost-effectiveness and top-notch fieldwork to boost crop production. Also, tractors power this farming tool, and various cultivators have different tractor HP ranges according to their weight and working width.
4. Rotavator
Rotavator is also a tractor-drawn agriculture machine that works like a cultivator but comprises rotating blades to pulverise the soil. Furthermore, Rotavators benefit the farm by tilling at a higher rate. So, choosing a Rotavator will make farming profitable for you. Along with this, it helps to increase a farmer’s income by delivering top-class field performance. Therefore, this agriculture machine is a recommended choice among farmer brothers.
5. Trailer
A field always has some kind of haulage necessities, whether required for transporting harvested goods or carrying other heavy farm implements. So, trailers are the go-to choice for such needs. However, trailers come in different sizes and loading capacities, which a farmer can choose per the field’s requirement. Also, a tractor trailer helps to cut costs and labour, leading to higher profit.
**Fun Fact – According to a study, 97.4% of farm power was being generated by humans and animals in 1951. But, this contribution declined to 12% in 2013-14. On the other hand, the role of machines for farm power increased from 2.6% to 88% during the same period.
6. Baler
Farms produce waste products and impurities while growing crops which fulfils other purposes. That is why it is crucial to store waste properly, such as grass or straws. This is where a Baler comes into play. It is valuable farm machinery equipment to collect hay, straws and other unnecessary materials from the farm and make compact bales. Moreover, the bales come in cubical structures for easier handling.
7. Seed Drill
A Seed Drill sows seeds at a specific depth with uniform spacing between each seed. Moreover, a Seed Drill machine offers quick operation, leading to sowing at an efficient rate. This process helps to boost farm productivity and significantly increases yield. That is why Seed Drills are a popular choice among Indian farmers.
8. Sprayer
A good-quality yield requires an even distribution of fertilisers and other nutritional matter. This is accomplished by using modern farming machines such as spraying equipment. Moreover, there are lots of sprayers listed to provide the best-quality fieldwork. However, sprayers not only distribute fertilisers, but they also fulfil irrigation tasks. Thus, the demand for sprayers is rising prominently.
9. Power Tiller
Power Tillers are effective multipurpose agriculture machines that can accomplish many farming tasks. Therefore, a power tiller is also called a “hand-tractor”. Mostly, power tillers come with two wheels, and this single machine can effortlessly perform irrigation, distribute fertiliser and remove weeds. So, this agriculture machine is a one-time investment to improve farm productivity.
10. Harvester
There is much work in obtaining the matured crops, and farmers do immense labour to collect the yield. However, this process is also time-consuming and costly. So, there are various modern machines used in agriculture to harvest crops, such as harvesters. This agriculture machine can be tractor-drawn or self-propelled, which you can choose as per your suitability. Also, a harvester can thresh, cut and collect crops in a single operation. This results in higher profits in less time.
These were some of the popular agriculture machines, which will effectively take your farming at a higher level. Agriculture is labour intensive work and it can be made accessible by the mechanization of farming activities. Therefore, we have described a detailed list of farming machines to improve farm productivity. Moreover, various campaigns and programs encourage the use of farming machinery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Que. How does modern machinery make farming easy?
Ans. Modern agriculture machinery delivers quick performance and cut costs, resulting in easier farming.
Que. What are the types of agriculture machines crucial for higher income?
Ans. There are many efficient farming machines, including tillage, land preparation, haulage and many others.
Que. Which are the different implements requires in farming?
Ans. There is a vast lineup of numerous agriculture machines such as power tillers, cultivators, ploughs and sprayers.
For more farming related blogs, stay connected with us.
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