HomeAgricultureWhat is Orchard Farming? Orchard Farming in India

What is Orchard Farming? Orchard Farming in India

What is orchard farming

Orchard Farming has been very popular in India since ancient times.

What is Orchard Farming ?

Orchard farming meaning is the planting of trees and shrubs. You can also call orchard farming a fruit garden. The orchard contains farming of fruits and nuts for commercial purposes. Most of the orchards farming are done with a single variety of fruits or nuts.

Orchard farming is mostly done where water is at a proper level. Orchards are dependent on regular rainfall and regular irrigation. If orchards do not get proper water then orchards might be damaged.


For Orchard Farming, you have to choose the right area, correct soil type and you have to choose that region in which water supply is proper. Day by day Orchard farming is establishing in India and for that orchard, mini tractors are also getting popular among Indian farmers.

How to Orchard Farming?

Layout of orchard farming

If you are going to select orchard farming and you don’t have any idea about it. Then you have not to worry about it because we are here to clear your doubts. We made a list to follow up for you.

Following are the list of the steps for establishing orchard farming;

Points to check while selecting Orchard farming

  • Select the region for orchard farming

First, you have to decide or select the region in which you are going to do orchard farming. The Region plays an important role while we are selecting land for orchard farming. We have to consider some points in mind like the region which you are going to select has a proper supply of water and also check soil type, climate, and market demand. Which type of food you are going to produce also depends on the region and proper decision makes your effort fruitful.

  • Variety selection for orchard farming

After selecting the proper region for orchard farming, you have to now decide the variety of food i.e. fruit or nut. This food should be decided on market demand and climate changes because food rapidly becomes out-dated. You should also decide what you are going to produce perishable or non-perishable food.

  • Production quality for orchard farming

After variety selection for your orchard farming, you have to now check on production quality because if you are producing the right quality of food then demand for your food will also increase. In food, farming quality matters the most.

  • Layout of orchard farming

Proper space for proper development of trees is necessary. The layout of the orchard refers to the maximum number of trees per hectare. It is also the main step when we are talking about orchard farming.


  • Efficient use of water for orchard farming

Proper water is the essence of Orchard farming. If water is supplied sufficiently then your orchard becomes fruitful and more productive. So whenever you go for orchard farming firstly checks where your land is, there is a proper supply of water and always try to choose that region where land is closer to the water body.

  • Nutrition

It is your call to check if your orchards are getting proper nutrition or not. Most of the nutrition is provided by the soil itself. And nutrition which is needed is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and others are iron, copper, zinc, boron, calcium, sulphur etc.

  • Market Demand

Before orchard farming, you have to investigate market demand. In that particular region what is the market demand for your product and what is the attitude of local people towards that product is also plays an important role in farming.

Things to Do For Orchard Management

Things to do for Orchard management

Orchard needs constant irrigating, fertilizing, pruning, pesticides and proper weeds. Regularly caring orchard trees from wind damages, insects, pests and from unwanted grasses must be managed regularly.

Following are some pointers for caring orchard Farming;


Fertilizer is for fast growth of trees. Fertilizing your tree is good but as you know ‘Atisarvatravarjayet’ means an excess of anything is bad. Excessive fertilizer can kill your trees and your soil quality may also get poor.


Irrigation is a proper supply of water to plants at regular needed breaks. Proper irrigation helps to efficiently grow plants and in orchard farming proper irrigation is important. By properly irrigating your plants you get a fruitful result.


Pruning is trimming trees from the weak area and narrow crotch angles. Pruning is necessary for effective growth of trees. Regular pruning makes your tree strong, reduces wind damage and improves fruit quality. 


Pesticides are substances which are used to kill pests. Pests can damage your orchards so proper care of your orchard requires timely use of pesticides.

These are the steps which should be considered in the process of orchard management. By following these steps you get superb results.

Difference Between Orchard and Crop Farming

Difference between orchard and crop farming 

Farming is of many kinds, orchard farming in India is getting popular day by day with time and on the other hand crop farming is the major source of earning of Indian farmers. Orchard farming is done for producing fruits or nuts and crop farming is done for crops i.e. wheat, rice, grains etc.

Types of orchard farming are a single variety of fruit, multiple varieties of fruit, mixed, clonal, dry land, etc. and types of crop farming are pastoral, subsistence, commercial, mixed, intensive, extensive, etc.

Orchard farming cost is slightly more compared to crop farming because orchard farming needs proper care and maintenance.

Types of fruit orchards are apple, avocado, pomegranate, almond, etch and types of crops are wheat, maize, coconut, etc.

Fruit orchards in India

Orchard farming In India is very popular in many states. Dahanu town is known as the orchard of India and it is situated in Maharashtra.

Below we are showing some states and their popular orchards;

Apricots and Apple orchard

Apricots and Apple orchard

State- Himachal Pradesh

Season- June to September

Himachal Pradesh is popular for Apricots and Apple orchards. These Apricots and apples are supplied all over the world.

Grapes orchard

State- Maharashtra

Season- January to May

Maharashtra is popular for orchard farming in India. Maharashtra is also called the state of orchard in India.

Strawberries orchard 

State- Meghalaya and Maharashtra

Season- January to March

Strawberry orchards are done in Meghalaya and Maharashtra and supplied all over the world.

Orange orchard

State- Punjab, and Maharashtra

Season- October end to February

Oranges are the fruit which everyone happily eats. It is produced in Punjab and Maharashtra and supplied worldwide.

Lychee Orchard

State- Uttarakhand and Bihar

Season- May to June

Uttarakhand and Bihar is known as the Lychee orchard of India. Here lychee is produced and supplied worldwide.

Mangoes Orchard

Mangoes Orchard

State- Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh

Season- May to July/August

Mangoes are the national fruit of India. Alphonso, Dasheri, Langra, Badami, etc. are the types of mangoes.

Plums, Malberries and Jamuns orchard

State- Punjab

Season- March to July

Plums, Malberries and Jamuns are likable between kids in India. Punjab produces Plums, Malberries and Jamuns in India.

Chikkos Orchard

Chikkos Orchard

State- Maharashtra

Season- December to March

TalasariTaluka of Dahanu state of Maharashtra is famous for Chikoo orchard in India. Maharashtra is also called state of orchard in India.

Pineapple orchard

State- Manipur

Season- March to September

Pineapple is produced in Manipur and supplied all over the world. Pineapple has multiple uses.


Peach orchard India 

Peach orchard India

State- Himachal Pradesh

Season- April to June end

Peach orchards are done in Himachal Pradesh and the peach are from April to June. It is very popular in India.

Most Popular Orchard Tractors in India

Listed below are the most popular orchard tractors in India;

Government Schemes for Orchard Farming

The government of India also started schemes for orchard farming in many states.

Gujarat schemes for orchard farming; //agri.gujarat.gov.in/subsidies-planting-fruit.htm

Various schemes for orchard farming by government of India; //rkvy.nic.in/static/schemes/Horticuluture.html

These are some main principles of orchard establishment. You should follow these details for productive results in orchard farming.

I hope you get all the details about orchard farming by this post. For more posts like this stay tuned with TractorJunction.

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