Mahindra 475 di, one of the perfect models manufactured by Mahindra is perfect in rendering better performance over different kinds of surfaces and performs all kinds of farm mechanization activities. If you are looking for Mahindra 475 di price list, you have come to the right place. Here is the most genuine list of different models with specifications:
Mahindra 475 di price in India is in the range of 5,50,000/- to 6,00,000/-. It is a 42 HP model with 4 cylinders, 2730 cc engine that produces high power. It runs well on all surfaces with long engine and has a partial constant mesh transmission. Plus, it has hassle-free gear change operations and powerful hydraulic system. It is very simple to use with heavy implements such as cultivators. Additionally, it demands lesser maintenance and has high durability.
Mahindra tractor 475 Bhoomiputra price of around 5,70,000/- comes with hi-tech tools, powerful wheels, high fuel efficiency, resistance to corrosion and longer service life. It is popular for its tough design, easy maintenance and quality materials used in its manufacturing. The parts of this tractor are in conformance with the international norms that help enhance its functionality & overall performance.
Mahindra Sarpanch 475 di (5,80,000/- approx.) is one of the preferred choices in the market that offers an excellent solution to different farming needs. It is aesthetically pleasing, powerful & comfortable simultaneously. It falls under the range of 30-50 HP with versatile features and economic prices. Mahindra 475 di sarpanch price is around
Mahindra Yuvo 475 di is a 42 HP tractor model that performs multiple farm activities. It is blended with advanced technology, powerful 4-cylinder engine & best hydraulic transmission that make it much faster & better.
The aforementioned list comprises all Mahindra 475 di tractor for sale that you can use to purchase the best model as per your budget & farm mechanization needs.