Published - 06 Mar 2023
by Tractor Junction
Sivakumar, hailing from Virudhnagar, cited the importance and health benefits of millets. He developed preservative-free millets food products and displayed them during Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2023 to help the general public.
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) appreciated a Virudhnagar farmer named S Sivakumar, aged 52 years old. This innovative farmer from Chinnathathampatti was felicitated as the 'Innovative Farmer' who created novel food products using nutritious millet crops.
Sivakumar was awarded a certificate to honour his contribution on 4th March ‘23 (Saturday) during the last day of Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2023, organised at IARI New Delhi by Kailash Choudhary, Union Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Minister.
Sivakumar was amongst the 36 producers who received the Innovative Farmer recognition by IAR. Shivkumar said that he and his family have been producing millet for quite a longest time.
Sivakumar added that his aim is to create millet food products that are nutritious and flavorful enough for the urban population to enjoy. He envisions replacing fast food with healthy millet-based foods.
In the past 17 years, this Virudhnagar farmer has produced 50+ millet products under the name of 'Mothi Millet Foods'. Under this umbrella term, he offers products such as millet cookies, millet halwa, millet ven pongal mix, millet savouries, etc. In addition to this, Sivakumar has been preaching students about the importance of millet in India.
The Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2023 attracted a large crowd of farmers from all all over India. During the 3 day event, farmers were introduced to a variety of climate-resilient crops such as wheat, mustard, lentil, chickpea, vegetables, flowers, and fruit. Moreover, they also got introduced to advanced and integrated farming system models.
The ICAR (Indian Agricultural Research Institute)arranged special special exhibitions on millets (Sree Anna), tech innovations, and other agri-goods that farmers can benefit from.
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