Methods of Apple Cultivation in India

Published Mar 10, 2022

Climate required for Apple Cultivation

Apple crops can grow at altitudes 1,500 m to 2,700 m. A suitable temperature for apple growing should be around 21 C to 24 C.

Soil requirement for Apple Cultivation

Loamy soils with high organic matter content and PH of 5.5-6.5 are suitable apple cultivation soil.

Propagation of Apple Cultivation

First, apple farming techniques need material while planting, and they will be bought from nurseries.

Planting and Spacing

For the plantation of these plants, 4 different planting density ranges apply.

Apple Planting Method

30 kg to 40 kg FYM, 500 g Single Superphosphate and 50 g Malathion Dust is applied in each pit by mixing it well.

Manures and Fertilizers

The K, P, and N ratio used in an orchard of optimum fertility is 70:35:70 grams per year. The standard fertilizer dose of P, K and N is 400 g.

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