Crimson jewels: Top 6 Pomegranate Producing States in India

Published Jun 27, 2023

Known for its abundant pomegranate orchards, Andhra Pradesh takes the lead in pomegranate production in India. Area: 56000 Hectares, production: 56.4 Million tones.

Chhattisgarh comes a close second in pomegranate production, as it has a flourishing pomegranate market with equivalent demand to go along.

Gujarat stands out as a major pomegranate producer, as it has a major part in contributing to the country’s pomegranate output. Area: 44000 Hectares, production: 45.6 million tonnes.

Himachal Pradesh boasts impressive pomegranate yields, as it has the perfect climate and soil conditions for its growth.

Another state that plays a key role in pomegranate production is Karnataka. It has orchards spanning far and wide dedicated to the growth of pomegranates.

Maharashtra emerges as a prominent pomegranate producer. It benefits from its extensive lands for cultivation intricately paired with expert farmers.

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