Top 6 Healthiest Berries to Keep You Mentally Sharp

Published Jun 05, 2023

Strawberries grow on low-growing plants, and they are red, juicy, and tangy. They can benefit you through giving vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre.

Blueberries grow on 12 feet-long shrubs. The berries are purple in colour, and have a distinct blend of sweetness and sourness. These fibrous berries are also rich in vitamin C.

Soft, juicy berries that come in drupelets. These are also high in vitamin C. But in addition, it also contains phytochemicals and manganese.

Blackberries are have a sweet and sour taste different from that of blueberries. Plus, their crunchy texture sets them apart from blueberries. Blackberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and ellagic acid.

Cranberries are small, round, and bright red fruits that grow on low-lying vines in wetlands. Cranberries are sought out for their ability to prevent and treat urinary tract infections.

Goji berries are small, oval, and orange-red fruits that grow on deciduous shrubs native to Asia. They can boost immunity, vision, and energy levels.

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