Top 5 Types of Farming in India

Published Jun 28, 2023

India has a varied and diverse landscape that supports various forms of farming. The farming that happens in the country contributes to food security of the nation.

Breaking it down, subsistence farming means farming to support one’s own family. As India is a country that has small scale farmers, this is a widespread practice.

These are methods that farmers use to improve their yield or fertility. While intensive farming utilises little land and produces a lot of crops, extensive farming does the opposite.

Commercial farming in India is often done by large scale farmers. They produce goods that meet the widespread demand of the ever increasing population.

The new trend in town - organic farming. More and more people are adopting this method of applying natural fertilisers and pest control to improve their farms.

Arid regions have this farming method, where the farmers make use of what little water they have to overcome environmental issues and get their yield.

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