Published Jul 13, 2023
Southern India has two types of notable coconut varieties: Tall and Dwarf. Let's explore their distinct characteristics in the following slides.
To promote a bountiful yield, providing a coconut hybrid with plentiful organic mulch and well-draining soil in its habitat is recommended.
The Malayan Yellow Dwarf coconut palms are a commonly occurring type of dwarf coconut found in tropical regions and are likely the most prevalent of their kind across the globe.
The coconut variety known as Thambili in Sri Lanka, or King coconut, boasts an orange hue and is highly prized for its delectably sweet water and tender meat.
West Coast Tall coconut trees are in high demand in western India for their high yield and quality husk. They also produce a lot of coconut sap for jaggery or sugar.
The Tacunan dwarf coconut has a thick stem and closely spaced leaf scars. It can start fruiting in just three years and thrives in soil types like red sandy loam, laterite, and alluvial.