India's Top 5 Agriculture States- List Of States And Famous Crop

Published Apr 16, 2023

The largest food grain-producing state in India. Known for its rice production, followed by Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. Also famous for jute, sesamum, tobacco, and tea.

The top farming state in India. The top wheat-producing state in India, followed by Haryana, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh. The largest hub for sugarcane, which is the most produced crop globally.

The world’s most fertile state. One of the top three states for rice, wheat, and total food grains production in India. Accounts for 9.96% of the total rice and 15.65% of the total wheat produced in India

India’s fastest-growing state. One of the top three states for cotton production in India. Also produces groundnut, bajra, castor seed, cumin seed, and tobacco.

One of the top three states for wheat production in India.. Also grows rice, sugarcane, cotton, oilseeds, and horticultural crops.

India is a diverse and rich country in terms of agriculture and food production. Different states rank in different positions for different agricultural products. West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat, and Haryana are the top five agriculture states of India

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