Tea Farming: Types of Planting and Major Health Benefits of Tea

Published May 02, 2023

Tea is the dried leaves of a bush which has theine and, when combined with milk and sugar, produces a flavorful and energizing drink. Tea is one of India's vital beverage crops. It is additionally referred to as "Chai".

When distinguished from coffee, tea includes higher levels of antioxidants and less caffeine. It reduces the chances of experiencing a stroke or a cardiac event. Tea can also strengthen your body's defenses while protecting you from cancer.

Deep, well-drained, friable loam soils are ideal for tea cultivation. The finest soils for tea planting are virgin forest soils rich in humus and iron. The high concentration of potash and phosphorus in the primary soil imparts a distinct flavour the tea.

A partially moist and hot climate is required for tea plantations. In humid and hot temperature conditions, tea plantations grow. Temperatures between 20° to 33° Celsius are ideal for tea plant development, with temperatures over 35° C and less than 10° C damaging plant growth.

Pit and Trench Planting are the two methods used for tea planting. Pit planting occurs when the space between the growing plants is large enough to make space for the easy digging of individual trenches of the appropriate size. Trench planting, on the other hand, is used for closer spacing and in thick soils.

Tea cultivation can be conducted from April to June, September to October, or even from October to November if appropriate irrigation is provided. Heavy rainstorms need to be avoided.

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