Published Oct 16, 2023
Taiwan Guava, scientifically known as Psidium guajava, is a tropical fruit variety renowned for its sweet, aromatic flavour, greenish-yellow skin, and vibrant pink flesh. It's a rich source of vitamin C.
For Taiwan Guava cultivation, use well-drained, organic-rich loamy soil. During soil preparation, perform soil testing to correct nutrient deficiencies and maintain a slightly acidic pH.
Preparing land for Taiwan Guava farming entails clearing the area of weeds & debris, tilling the soil to a depth of 60-90 cm, and creating planting beds or rows to establish a conducive environment.
When planting Taiwan Guava, it's essential to space the trees adequately, typically around 6-8 meters apart. Plant them at the same depth as in the nursery, and water thoroughly.
Taiwan Guava farming necessitates consistent soil moisture, particularly during the fruiting stage. Adequate irrigation is vital, and a drip system is often recommended to deliver water directly.
Harvest Taiwan Guava when the fruits are firm, have attained their full size, and develop a greenish-yellow skin colour. Gently twist or cut them from the tree, ensuring they are ripe.