Published Feb 15, 2023
Potatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which helps fight diseases and are enriched with antioxidants. Rich in potassium, potatoes serve as a primary carbohydrate source across the planet.
Loose, loamy soil is more suitable for the crop than heavy and compact clay soil. The potatoes gel well with well-drained soil. Potatoes like acidic soil (not higher than pH 5.2).
For an optimum yield of potatoes, minimum and maximum temperature ranges are 18-20 degrees and 30-32 degrees Celsius, respectively.
The summer season has higher irrigation requirements for potato plantations. However, constant irrigation is needed irrespective of the season in flowering time.
The best way to control pests in potato farmland is by spraying or using manures as fertilisers. The manures contain essential microbes that eat up pests.
Potatoes can be harvested after 2-3 weeks after the flowering period. The average yield of potatoes in India is approximately 20-30 tonnes per hectare.