Published Mar 29, 2024
West Bengal led in production for 2021-22 with 397.40 thousand tonnes, comprising 53.64% of the total share, signifying its prominent position in the production market.
In 2021-22, Bihar contributed 98.99 thousand tonnes to the total production, representing 13.36% of the share, securing the second position in production with a substantial contribution to the overall output.
In 2021-22, Uttar Pradesh's production amounted to 68.11 thousand tonnes, accounting for 9.19% of the share and making a notable contribution to the overall production output.
In 2021-22, Orissa contributed 65.97 thousand tonnes to production, comprising 8.91% of the share, and held a significant portion of the total production output.
Chattisgarh's production for 2021-22 amounted to 38.01 thousand tonnes, representing a share of 5.13% and contributing moderately to the overall production.