Organic Mango Farming in India : Essential Tips

Published May 21, 2024

An Introduction

Organic mango farming uses natural methods, avoiding chemicals and GMOs. It enriches soil with organic matter and compost, promoting healthy trees and nutritious fruits.

Methods and Strategies

Organic mango farming grows trees naturally, without chemicals or genetic changes, focusing on soil health. Key methods include natural cultivation, soil enrichment, and biodiversity preservation.

Soil Management

Organic mango farmers enhance soil health by using compost, cow dung and cover crops. Regular soil testing ensures optimal nutrient levels, guiding organic amendments for healthy mango growth.

Organic Fertilizers

Organic mango farmers use compost, manure, and fertilisers instead of synthetic ones. These natural inputs release nutrients slowly, promoting healthy tree growth and fruit development.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Organic mango farmers use IPM to manage pests and diseases. They combine preventive measures, monitoring, biological, mechanical and cultural controls, beneficial insects and natural products.

Weed Management

Organic mango farmers control weeds with mulching, hand weeding and natural herbicides. Mulch suppresses weeds, conserves moisture and regulates temperature, while hand weeding prevents competition.

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