Published Apr 24, 2024
It is important to choose the right place to grow organic fruit. Look for land with good sunlight, good drainage, and free of pollution. Avoid areas with heavy chemical use or contamination.
Really good soil with lots of nitrogen can make plants grow too much without producing fruit. To grow fruit well, soil needs to be balanced, not too acidic, and have lots of natural stuff in it.
Choose fruit varieties carefully for organic farming. Consider location and market. Get varieties from Cooperative Extension, nurseries, or local growers as it's crucial for long-term investment and success.
Soil fertility is key for fruit plants. Organic matter feeds soil life, improving nutrient storage. Organic farmers boost soil health with manures, mulching, and cover crops to prevent erosion.
Some organic fertilisers, like composted manure and seaweed extract, benefit fruit plants. Fertilise in spring after bloom; avoid late summer. Over-fertilization weakens plants, inviting pests and diseases.
Fruit picking depends on purpose and transport distance. Tomatoes are harvested at various stages: immature green, mature green, turning pink, half-ripe, red-ripe, and overripe. Green for shipping, red for canning.