Nutrient Filled Fruits and Vegetable Peels

Published Feb 02, 2024

Yes, peels are packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, some have tough, hard-to-clean, bitter, or inedible peels. It's best to remove and avoid eating them.

Potato peels are rich in potassium for metabolism and iron for efficient red blood cells. It is a source of Niacin (vitamin B-3), which aids in nutrient breakdown for energy.

Peach skin, with antioxidants like vitamin A and carotenoids, reduces the risk of cataracts. Its fuzzy texture is also packed with dietary fibre, aiding digestion.

Watermelon rinds have citrulline, which is beneficial for blood and muscle health. Rinds contain more citrulline than the flesh. If you don't like them raw, try juicing them or stir-frying them like a vegetable.

Dark purple eggplant skin has antioxidants. It's healthier than white eggplant skin. But it might be tough to eat.

Apple peels have more vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants like quercetin than the inside. Fibre prevents cholesterol buildup, while quercetin benefits your brain and lungs.

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