Types of the Best Planter and Seeder

Published Feb 23, 2022

Seed Drill

Seed Drill is used in agriculture to sow the seeds in the soil for crops. That makes the process more effective.

Types of Seed Drill

There are two types of seed drills, i.e. Bullock Drawn Drills and Tractor Drawn Drills.


A planter is an implement that helps sow seeds in a row all over the field.

Types of Planters

There are three types of a planter, i.e. Regular drill planter, Check-row planter and Hill drop planter.

Planter vs Seeder

The seed drill is used where the size of the farm is small and medium, but the planter is used on every sized farm.

Seeders can’t sow seeds in hilly areas, whereas planters can sow seeds even in hilly areas.

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