The Rarest and Most Expensive Vegetables in India

Published Sep 13, 2023

In India, 42% of the population includes vegetables in their meals, as they offer vital nutrients. Discover 5 rare, costly, and nutritious veggies not commonly found in markets.

Cherry Tomatoes are small and round, used in many dishes and salads. They're costly and scarce in Indian markets but can be found nearby supermarkets.

Zucchini is a nutritious vegetable that can be consumed either cooked or raw. It comes in green or yellow colors, has few calories, and can be pricey due to its limited availability.

Baby corn is a popular and low-calorie vegetable in many cuisines, including Italian and Chinese. It's in high demand due to limited availability and cultivation in India.

Celery is a popular expensive green salad which is mostly grown from its leaves and stalks. It is often imported from India due to limited demand, which results in higher prices.

Lettuce is mostly grown in southern India during winter, making it expensive in supermarkets and rare in local markets. To save money, consider growing it in your kitchen garden.

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