Langra Mango Farming: Best Time to Sowing and Harvesting

Published Jul 17, 2023

July is the perfect time to plant your langra mango saplings in your orchard. It is a lucrative business, so going in with this knowledge really does help you.

Mangoes taste best when you grow them in any sort of soil, just make sure that it is both deep and well-drained. Lateritic and alluvial soils are best for mango growth.

Tropical and subtropical weather and climate are good for langra mangoes, and it can grow in areas with a good amount of rainfall, but they can survive in any environment.

There are two kinds of sowing methods for mangoes - via seed propagation and vegetative propagation. Use seedlings as rootstocks for best results.

Regularly irrigating your seedlings during the initial growth stage is a requirement for a standard plant growth, and eventually it will start producing good results.

You can use pole harvesters to pick mangoes without damaging it. Mangoes grow in 2 to 3 years, and they give you a steady yield every 90 to 120 days for 10 years.

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