Tips To Grow and Care For Mango Trees

Published Jun 14, 2024

Choose Mango Tree Wisely

There are two options: seed and grafted varieties. Growing from seed can take many years to mature and may not produce fruit. Grafted trees are guaranteed to produce quality fruit within a few years.

Pick a Sunny Spot

Mangoes do well in sunlight, so choose a spot that receives plenty of sunlight. They need at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow and produce fruit.

Plant in Well-Draining Soil

Mangoes require soil that drains well and lets water drain fast. If you are planting a mango tree in the ground, add compost to the soil, and if using a container, make holes for drainage.

Water them wisely

Mango trees need to be watered regularly, but don't overwater them. Water them when the soil is dry to the top few inches. At the same time, it's best to keep the soil from drying out entirely.

Provide More Room to Grow

If you are using a container for a mango tree, shift it to a big container if it becomes root-bound. Ensuring that the tree's trunk has the same depth in the new container.

Prune for better fruits

Regular pruning will encourage healthy growth and increased mango production. Do it in late winter or early spring, and prioritise cutting off any infected, dead, or damaged branches while pruning.

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