Published May 09, 2024
Climbing plants need the right spot based on their sunlight needs. North-facing walls suit plants that prefer less light, while east-facing walls are ideal for those needing more sunlight in the mornings.
For creeper plants, trellises are common and are made of vertical and horizontal bars. You can also use wooden grids on fences or create arches for fruit plants.
Plant climbing plants before extreme cold hits, allowing roots to establish before the soil freezes. They are best in fall, but slow growers can be planted in late spring.
To train climbing plants, tie their branches with threads as they grow to develop proper habits. This ensures supported growth and optimal production.
Regular watering is crucial in the beginning stages of establishing plants. To prevent root rot, always avoid overwatering and try to water when the soil is dry at least twice a week.
Pruning is essential for healthy growth. Removing dead parts improves air circulation, stimulates new growth, and enhances sunlight exposure for better photosynthesis and productivity.