Published Mar 08, 2024
Finger millets thrive in diverse climatic conditions, including semi-arid to tropical regions, with optimal temperatures between 20°C to 30°C and well-distributed rainfall.
Land preparation for cultivating finger millets involves ploughing, harrowing, and levelling the field. This creates a fine seedbed conducive to germination and root development.
When cultivating finger millets, select high-quality seeds adapted to local conditions for good germination. Further, look for disease-free and optimal yield potential seeds.
Finger millets benefit from organic fertilizers like compost and manure. It enhances soil fertility and promotes healthy growth, resulting in higher yields and improved nutrients.
When cultivating finger millets, irrigation is essential to ensure adequate moisture levels in the soil. Proper irrigation helps in promoting germination, growth, and yield.
During finger millet cultivation, harvesting involves cutting the mature stalks and threshing the grains to separate them from the straw before further processing.