Fennel Cultivation - Steps to Grow & Harvest Quality Fennel Seeds

Published Mar 20, 2023

The ideal temperature for fennel cultivation is between 15-25 degree celsius, followed by annual rainfall between 50-75mm.

Local, RF 101, Gujrat Fennel 1, RF 35, CO 1 are popular varieties of fennel in India.

2-3 ploughings should be provided in medium soils. Whereas, for heavy soils, 3-4 ploughings would be sufficient.

To ensure good yield, plan the sowing of seeds at depth of3-4 cm by second fortnight of October.

First irrigation sould be provided right after sowing. Subsequent, irrigations should be provided at an interval of 10-15 days, depending on soil type & climate.

Fennel crop is ready to harvest within 180 days, which is end of April or end of May. When the umbels appears green to light yellow, that’s when they are ready to harvest.

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