Top 6 Fast-growing Vegetables to Grow at Home

Published Mar 02, 2024


Lettuce prefers cooler weather, growing in early spring or fall. You can sow seeds directly outdoors or start them indoors for an earlier harvest. It grows fast, and you can enjoy garden-fresh salad in just 45-50 days!


Arugula matures in around 50 days. It's often pricey at the store, but you can grow it yourself easily. Harvest the leaves when they're 2-3 inches long, and cutting them will encourage more growth.


Plant cucumbers after the frost danger passes, starting indoors first. Transplant them outdoors once they develop true leaves, and enjoy fresh cucumbers in about 50 days!


Radishes are the quickest-growing veggies, ready to harvest in just 30 days. Their peppery taste adds zing to salads or veggie trays. For a twist, roast them with oil and salt for a flavorful treat.

Pak Choi

Ready to harvest in just 50 days after planting, Pak Choi grows in cool spring and fall weather. Enjoy it fresh or cooked for a delicious addition to your meals.


Beets are tough against cold weather, with some types even handling light frost. They're ready to harvest in about 60 days, but you can pick them earlier for baby beets. You can also use the beet greens in soups or salads.

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