Button Mushroom Cultivation in India - Stay with us

Published Feb 06, 2023

Button Mushrooms - An Introduction

Button mushrooms are majorly grown in India. They require different temperatures to vegetate and reproduce(12° C - 28° C).

A mushroom spawn, tarp, paddy straw, plant wastes for compost, manure, bran and urea.

Compost enables spawn growth. Made with plant waste, salt, and water. Mix all and keep for 10 days.

Mix spawn with compost. 3 methods: Spot Spawning, Surface spawning, and Layer spawning.

The process is carried out to maintain the moisture inside the compost mixture.

Mushroom starts growth in 10 days and should be harvested within 50-60 days. Wash the harvest with KMS solution, and store it in polythene bags for sale.

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