Broccoli Farming in India - Special Guide For Beginners

Published Feb 17, 2023

Broccoli Benefits

The vegetable broccoli is packed with Vitamins, Minerals and other bioactive compounds. It also contains protein antioxidants and has the capability to fight against certain types of cancer.

Soil requirements

The best-suited soil is sandy loam. However, any well-drained soil is fine with the vegetable. It is advised to avoid cropping in soils containing more clay.

Climatic requirements

A temperature range of 18-25 degrees Celsius is best suited for broccoli. This temperature range should be at least 4 months for proper vegetable growth.

Irrigation essentials

It is advised to irrigate 1 hour per day for low moisture-containing soil. And, for moisture-rich soils, irrigation should be once in 3 days. Flood irrigation can lead to excessive weed growth and hence should be avoided.

Varieties of broccoli

Varieties of these vegetables include Sakata Green Magic, Genco Aika, Shishir Seeds, Clause Fatansy, Biosyng Seeds, and Rizwan Seeds.

Harvest and yield

The vegetable is ready to harvest from the 4th month of the cropping season. The yield of the vegetable is 20 tonnes per hectare.

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