Beans Farming: Soil, Manure And Fertilizers Requirements

Published Jun 06, 2023

Beans: Local Names & Varieties

Kamal Kakdi in Hindi, Kakkari in Malayalam, Dosakaya in Telugu and Vellarikkai in Tamil. Beans are available in commercially different varieties like Ooty 1, FB 2 and YCD 1 etc.

Climatic Requirements For Beans

Beans are grown in temperatures of 17.5-27°C. The ideal soil is loamy, silty and clay with cool climatic conditions. Contrastingly, french beans grow faster in warmer climates.

Soil, Manure And Fertilizers

The soil must be ploughed thoroughly and added with organic matter. The spacing required is 90X90 cm. Also, apply farm yard manure for an ideal yield.

Irrigation, Weeding & Disease Control

Irrigation must be done immediately after sowing. It requires 3 to 9 cycles of weeding and pest control. The main diseases spotted are powdery mildew, mosaic and rust.

Harvesting & Marketing Of Beans

Indian beans are ready to harvest after 2 to 3 months of sowing. The average yield is 100 -120 quintals per hectare. The marketing is easy as green veggies are in high demand.

Some Interesting Facts About Beans

Beans appreciate sunlight, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Generally, one plant produces 20 pods, bringing 5 to 6 beans.

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