Profitable Avocado Farming In India: A Success Story For You

Published Mar 31, 2023

What is Avocado and Why is it Popular?

Avocado is a nutritious and healthy tropical fruit with high demand and value.

How Did Avocado Farming Start in India?

British planters introduced avocado in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu in the early 1900s. It spread to other states later.

Low awareness, high costs, pests and diseases, and marketing issues are some challenges. High prices, value addition and export potential are the opportunities.

Avocado cultivation increases income, crop diversity, food security and livelihoods of small scale farmers.

Demand for the fruit is growing. There is scope for improving productivity, quality and diversity of avocado varieties.

You can support avocado cultivation by buying local and organic avocados.

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