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How to Improve Agriculture Crop Productivity

Crop yields have a strong & effective impact in the field of agriculture. And it is very essential & important for the farmers to understand, how profitable their farmland is & how to improve the production of crops. How much you can produce within a given amount of land proves how efficient you are as a farmer. A better crop yield helps a farmer to determine not only his effectiveness & planning but his baseline as well. Whatever a farmer does on his farm has its own effects and so it is essential for him to take the correct step after a detail examination & survey. The quality of soil, seeds & planting practices of a farmer decides the overall strength of the final product. There are a few measures or steps which a farmer can adapt to improve agriculture crop productivity such as.

Best 11 Tips Improve Agriculture Crop Productivity

  1. The most important part of planting is to choose the right time to plant. To increase the produce the best work is to start planting if your soil is ready. By understanding the early approving soil conditions if the farmer plants early it will lead to increased output.
  2. Seasonal soil rotation affects the overall yield. Planting crops season – by – season helps to extend farm operations. And this will result in crops that yield more.
  3. A farmer should always be aware of his field’s growth prospects. If a farmer understands the kind of seeds he is using & the kind of crops he is planting, it will help in evaluating the capacity of the yield.
  4.  To increase crop yields it is necessary for the farmers to scout the fields on feet. This will provide a farmer a chance to know soil condition, to check that the crops are growing well & to notice any weeds cropping up. To take proper care of the crops is an important step towards the strong yield.
  5. Another important point for the survival of the crop is water management. It is essential to make sure that the crops get enough water but at the same time, they must not be over watered. Proper drainage system in crops will surely maximize its growth & production.
  6. For maintaining voluntary soil conditions for crops use of fertilizers is a must. Fertilizers feed the crops by providing them with essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium & calcium. The other key element needed for plant growth is nitrogen. Efficient use of nitrogen can increase crop yield to a great extent.
  7. High-quality seeds are the base for improving crop productivity. Use of hybrid seeds that grow faster & stronger should be encouraged.
  8. Traditional farming use to rely on regional conditions & historical data while managing the entire field but today Precision farming, by contrast, combines sensors, GPS, robots, mapping tools & data analysis software to receive feedback at the right time. This helps to deliver water, pesticides & fertilizers to only areas that need it. Thus precision farming produces healthier crops & give higher yields.
  9. Improved crop yield can also be achieved through both breeding & biotechnology.
  10. Proper marketing facilities should be provided to help the farmers to sell their product at better prices. This would help to raise their income &  further increased productivity.
  11. Lastly, to guide & advice the farmers to adopt new technology, efforts should be made for agricultural education.
Thus, by keeping all these points in mind if a farmer puts all his efforts on the field, it will surely result in improved crop productivity.

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