HomeAgricultureAre You a Farmer Who Needs to Deal With Stress?

Are You a Farmer Who Needs to Deal With Stress?

Are You a Farmer Who Needs to Deal With Stress

Farming is a necessary part for people, directly or indirectly. Agriculture in India also contributes significantly to gross domestic product (GDP). Agriculture provides not only food but also employs many people. Indian agriculture has been a symbol of the Green Revolution, the Yellow Revolution, the White Revolution, and the Blue Revolution. But agriculture is not easy; it is a difficult job. It isn’t even an occupation, it is an all-encompassing lifestyle. But we have to accept that agriculture is a very stressful business for farmers. Many points prove that farming is stressful, but if you follow proper guidelines and keep some patience, farmers can deal with it.   

What Kind of Source of Stress in a Farmer Life?

Many sources give stress to farmers. So here we are showing some source of stress. Check out below.

  • Weather and Climate Issues

Weather and climate issues are significant problems nowadays in India. The weather has become unpredictable in India and does not rain at the correct time. The situation in central India is especially bad in climate, known as the agricultural region in India.

  • The Scale of Operation

    Real estate prices have been raised and reached a level that people find it challenging to buy a home. In such conditions, purchasing farmland for farming is difficult for ordinary people.

  • Shortage of Farm Laborers

    Construction and industry are already employing people. It is the reason that urban migration has increased so much in the last few decades.

  • Tools With The High Price

Tools are essential for farming like tractor, harvester, cultivator, and many more that are used for various farming purposes are expensive. Big farmers are quickly buying, but small farmers can’t buy these tools. It is another reason for farmer’s stress.  

  • Unsatisfactory Realization of Prices

One of the essential stresses facing farmers is marketing. The market will not give a reasonable price to farmers. They do not provide even a single rupee of their hard work to them. In some situations, farmers also need to give their products to moneylenders for free.

  • Quality of Seeds, Pesticides, and Fertilizers

Farmers often have to do farming with poor quality seeds. There are many reasons for the distress, such as unknown farmers, laws of coercion, corruption of officers, and improper implementation of laws.

A solution of Stress for Farmers

If there is a problem, then it is also resolved. So here we are showing some solution to deal with stress. Check out below.

  • Interact With Peoples

Keep open conversations with the closest people to you. It’s often expected that farmers will stay strong and get on with it. That may work for a while, but where’s the joy in continually living like that? Talk and share your stresses. So that people often want to help or may come up with some great unexpected ideas and suggestions.

  • Avoid Negative Thoughts Problems

Negative thinking can become a habit, but When you revise your perspective and start seeing issues from other angles, you get more solutions.

  • Avoid Tasks that are Outside your Area of Expertise

Rather than struggle with something new or unclear, understand the situation and let someone help you who knows how to solve that problem. And if possible, help them too.

  • Spend Time with Family

Give yourself a break to invest your attention in your real relationships. Spend time with family and friends that must help you to get up from your stress. For anyone, their family is a significant strength.

  • Take Advice with Family

If you work with family, Show a genuine interest in each other, maintain mutual respect, and follow-up on conversations. It’s especially important not to lose the opinions of each other.

  • Appreciate Yourself 

Even if your efforts don’t deliver immediate tangible success, genuinely acknowledge and appreciate your efforts. Be generous with others and help them manage stress, making everyone’s lives a little easier. Working on the land is hard enough and can be exceptionally unforgiving.

  • Care Yourself

Invest in good quality sleep, especially during busy seasons. Aim to wind down, relax a little, and allow time to de-stress. Learn to say ‘no’ and avoid taking on other commitments if you’re already full-on and needing to focus on existing demands.

Stress is a dreaded disease that can also take life. But with the right path and guidance, we can get rid of this tension. Stress happens in everyone’s life, but when it becomes too much, it becomes dangerous. So if possible, keep this tension away. The above solution will help farmers to deal with stress. Farmers should seek to develop calm, free-flowing energy that promotes harmony and balance in a psyche, body, and soul. To relax and manage stress during peak farm stress seasons. Takes discipline and daily practice at controlling events, attitudes, and responses.

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